Hack your time schedule!

Type : Workshop
Location : Okhla, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Time Period : 13 Nov 2017 02:30 PM - 12 Nov 2017 06:30 PM
Last Date : 08 Aug 2019
Seats : 40
Amount : Rs 500

Time Management
Swadesh Chakrabarty a renowned motivational speaker and soft skill trainer is conducting a program on Time Management. The program will reflect upon the following points:
1. What is essentially the time management and how it is relevant for us.
2. What are the strategies one need to follow to manage his time for achieving success in life.
3. How the time has to be shared between the working life as well as the personal life.
4. How to form certain habits that can help in managing time.
5. How to prioritize time for different types of work.
6. How to plan for managing time and avoid wastage of time.
7. How to stop procrastinating and do the work effectively.
8. How not to become slave of time
All are invited to attend this life changing program for personal success in life.